Richard Wotton, Chairman Conservation Corridors

Richard joined the UKBA Committee in 2004 and is founder of Conservation Corridors, a British based charity set up to promote the concepts of biological corridors through:

  • Developing and executing heritage adventure challenges to biological corridors.
  • Raising funds and awareness for social initiatives in the biological corridors through the heritage adventure challenges.
  • Serving as cultural bridge uniting Belizean innovation with British structure and scaffolding in Conservation, Challenge and Heritage.

Conservation Corridors was founded in 1996 and in the early years to 2013 the Trustees:

  • Developed and implemented a Heritage adventure challenge that saw adventurers participate in the Indian Creek Trail, La Ruta Maya and meet the house mother of Marla’s House of Hope the social initiative the charity’s funds raised to go to.
  • Through these challenges they raised funds and awareness for social initiatives in the biological corridors and the adventure challenges managed to raise several thousand pounds for Marla’s House of Hope. Marla’s House of Hope provides safe, loving nurturing care for God’s children who have been removed form an abusive environment.
  • Provided a resource model scoping services for Belizean organisations endeavouring to attract UK volunteer resources to work with them on short term voluntary assignments.
  • On a voluntary basis provided Finance and Programme Management services to Help For Progress in Belmopan.
  • Undertook Britain’s Great North Swim for Conservation Corridors.